Better Than This Discussion Questions

  1. Sarah and Maggie seem like a case of opposites attract. Why do you think they became friends?
  2. There is a big age difference between Sarah and Robert. In what ways does this affect their marriage?
  3. Lizzy seems very precocious. Why do you think that is true?
  4. What was your initial impression of Robert? Did your opinion change during the course of the book?
  5. If you could be friends with either Sarah, Maggie or Kate, who would you chose and why?
  6. Maggie and Sarah disagree about old movies. Who do you side with? Are there any old movies that you like?
  7. Sarah wishes her marriage was more like Kate and Will’s. What do you think makes their relationship strong?
  8. How did Sarah’s inner dialogue affect you? Was there anything you found yourself wanting to say to her?
  9. Were you surprised by Matt’s letter? What did you expect it to say?
  10. What did you think of Sarah’s relationship with Monica? Would you ever go to therapy? When do you think it can be helpful?
  11. What surprised you most in the book?
  12. How did you feel when you finished the last sentence of the book? Was there any “takeaway” for you?

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